3D Printer

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Revision as of 11:28, 11 August 2018 by Angineer (talk | contribs)
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HackPittsburgh currently operates FIVE 3D printers.

PLA --> MendelMax*, Kossel* (delta)
PETG --> Coakley* (Cartesian)
ABS --> MatterHackers (Cartesian)
Resin --> Formlabs
* = You may bring your own filament instead of $0.05/gram cost.
** BOXZY has be assigned CNC milling duty. **

ALL PRINTERS REQUIRE TRAINING and ATTENDANCE to USE. Remember our club's #2 rule when using these printers. (Put away the filament after use and clean the area.)



| Name = Kossel

| Current Status = Operational

| Owner = Group-owned, purchased with funds collected from far and wide.

| Storage Location = Against the wall near the bathroom

| Make/Model = Kossel

| Arrival Date = 2017

| Documentation = The Kossel is an opensource, RepRap 3D printer.

| Training Required = Yes, uses octoprint, kossel3dprinter.lan

| Rules = If you are not trained yourself, operation must be done under the supervision of one of the trained operators. Trainers who can get you trained are: Ryan P. and Chris Y. HackPGH asks that users donate $0.05 per gram of filament used. This is to replace the printer consumables like filament. Please log your use and the condition after use.

Printer Specifications

Printing Size (Build Area; L x W x H) TBA mm (TBA in)
Filament Types PLA
Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
Nozzle Size 0.4 mm
Hot End Maximum Temperature 245 degrees Celsius
Heated Bed Maximum Temperature 110 degrees Celsius
Maximum Print Speed 75 mm/s


MendelMax 1.5


| Name = MendelMax

| Current Status = Offline but available

| Owner = Group-owned, purchased with funds collected from far and wide.

| Storage Location = Against the wall near the bathroom

| Serial Number = N/A

| Make/Model = MendelMax 1.5

| Arrival Date = 2012

| Documentation = The MendelMax is an opensource, RepRap 3D printer.

| Training Required = Yes.

| Rules = If you are not trained yourself, operation of the MendelMax must be done under the supervision of one of the trained operators. Trainers who can get you trained are: Ryan P. and Chris Y. HackPGH asks that users donate $0.XX per gram of filament used. This is to replace the printer consumables like filament.

| QR Code = TBD

Printer Specifications

Printing Size (Build Area; L x W x H) 215x215x95 mm (8.5x8.5x3.7 in)
Filament Types PLA, ABS, HIPS, PETG
Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
Nozzle Size 0.4 mm
Hot End Maximum Temperature 245 degrees Celsius
Heated Bed Maximum Temperature 110 degrees Celsius
Maximum Print Speed 75 mm/s

Printer Profiles

Cura Download
Repetier Host [Insert Link Here]





| Name = Coakley

| Current Status = Operational

| Owner = Dave Coakley

| Storage Location = Against the wall near the bathroom

| Make/Model = Coakley

| Arrival Date = 2017

| Documentation = The TBA is an opensource, RepRap 3D printer.

| Training Required = Yes, uses octoprint, coakley3dprinter.lan

| Rules = If you are not trained yourself, operation must be done under the supervision of one of the trained operators. Trainers who can get you trained are: Dave Coakley. HackPGH asks that users donate $0.05 per gram of filament used. This is to replace the printer consumables like filament. Please log your use and the condition after use.

Printer Specifications

Printing Size (Build Area; L x W x H) TBA mm (6x6x6 in)
Filament Types PETG
Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
Nozzle Size 0.4 mm
Hot End Maximum Temperature 245 degrees Celsius
Heated Bed Maximum Temperature 110 degrees Celsius
Maximum Print Speed 75 mm/s



| Name = MatterHackers

| Current Status = Operational

| Owner = Chad Elish

| Storage Location = Against the wall near the bathroom

| Make/Model = Modified MatterHackers

| Arrival Date = 2017

| Documentation = The TBA is an opensource, RepRap 3D printer.

| Training Required = Yes, uses octoprint, da-vinci.lan

| Rules = If you are not trained yourself, operation must be done under the supervision of one of the trained operators. Trainers who can get you trained are: Chad Elish. HackPGH asks that users donate $0.05 per gram of filament used. This is to replace the printer consumables like filament. Please log your use and the condition after use.

Printer Specifications

Printing Size (Build Area; L x W x H) TBA mm (6x6x6 in)
Filament Types ABS
Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
Nozzle Size 0.4 mm
Hot End Maximum Temperature 245 degrees Celsius
Heated Bed Maximum Temperature 110 degrees Celsius
Maximum Print Speed 75 mm/s




| Name = FormLabs

| Current Status = RESTRICTED

| Owner = Group-owned, purchased with funds collected from far and wide.

| Storage Location = Against the wall near the Tardis

| Serial Number = N/A

| Make/Model = FormLabs

| Arrival Date = 2018

| Documentation = The TBA is an opensource, RepRap 3D printer.

| Training Required = Yes. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS.

| Rules = You must be trained and supervised in the event of a spill. Trainers who can get you trained are: Chad E. and Poppy. You must bring your own resin.

| QR Code = TBD

Printer Specifications

Printing Size (Build Area; L x W x H) TBA mm (TBA in)
Filament Types RESIN
Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
Nozzle Size 0.4 mm
Hot End Maximum Temperature 245 degrees Celsius
Heated Bed Maximum Temperature 110 degrees Celsius
Maximum Print Speed 75 mm/s

Printer Profiles

Cura Download
Repetier Host [Insert Link Here]



